Steve Burns

How I Made Money Using the Nicolas Darvas System, Which Made Him $2,000,000 in the Stock Market

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This book is dedicated to my stock trading mentor,Nicolas Darvas. Although I never met him, he has taught me more about stock trading and investing than anyone else. I hope this book does justice to his investing principles and memory.

Steve Burns



Who was Nicolas Darvas?

Understanding the Game

Thinking like Nicolas Darvas

Entering the Game

Learning from Losing

How to Manage your Risk

My Darvas Stock Trades

Winning the Game: So you want to trade

like Nicolas Darvas?


Conclusion Reviews:

Awesome work!

This quick read is full of golden nuggets of market wisdom and I encourage everyone to learn from those who have been this successful…Darvas and Burns alike…this is must read to add to any trader or investor's arsenal!

Timothy Sykes author of “An American Hedge Fund”

--- This books is powerful because it simplifies a subject that many people find hard to understand. This book offers people a clear strategy for becoming financially free.

Keith Cameron Smith- Author of The Top 10 Distinctions between Millionaires and the Middle Class.

--- «Steve Burns wants you to follow the trend and make money. That is a good thing. Listen up! Michael W. Covel Bestselling author of 'Trend Following' & 'The Complete TurtleTrader'
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