Wanda Wiltshire


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Book 1 of the Betrothed Series

Harry Potter’s magic, Twilight’s heartache… with a message that love and confidence make everything possible — a faery fantasy with a reality check.

Faeries, forbidden love, enchantment, belonging and unforgiveable betrayal. A truly romantic fantasy series set in two worlds, sure to be loved by adults as much as by its young adult readers.

Amy Smith has always known she was different. Severe allergies, fragile health and taunts at school have made life an endurance test for the adopted seventeen year old.

When Amy starts having strange dreams, everything changes. Night after night, she becomes trapped in a shroud of black — a void of silence but for a male voice calling for a girl named ‘Marla’.

One night, the darkness clears, Leif is revealed and Amy discovers that she is the girl he has been searching for.

Immediately the two are swept up in a passionate yet forbidden love. Leif isn’t like the other boys Amy knows. Breathtakingly gorgeous, he speaks with her telepathically … not to mention, he can fly …

Desperate to find a way to be with her, Leif tells Amy of the terrifying threat to his Fae homeland, the danger to the people, and of an unforgivable betrayal to his King. He urges her to seek her true identity…. But Amy is confused… isn't it all just a dream?
Book 1 of the Betrothed Series

Harry Potter’s magic, Twilight’s heartache… with a message that love and confidence make everything possible — a faery fantasy with a reality check.

Faeries, forbidden love, enchantment, belonging and unforgiveable betrayal. A truly romantic fantasy series set in two worlds, sure to be loved by adults as much as by its young adult readers.
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  • Zoé Dontigny-Charettedeelde een impressie5 jaar geleden
    💞Heel mooi

    Very cute story :).


  • b1784340806citeerde uit6 jaar geleden
    His heart, once pulsing with love for her, was now nothing but an imitation of the real thing, a dried-up mockery re-plumped with rage.
  • Carina Rita Hansenciteerde uit6 jaar geleden
    Overwhelmed with the intensity of my feelings, I had to remind myself to breathe.
    After a long moment of staring I managed to speak. I was startled when I heard the words leave my mouth. I was speaking his language. ‘Who are you?’ I asked.
    ‘I am Leif,’ he said, inclining his head. ‘I am yours.’ Then he looked up and smiled again, a sunburst on an already perfect day. ‘But you know this, Marla
  • Carina Rita Hansenciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    ‘Not like this, Marla. Not because you’re sad. I want to love you when you’re happy. I want to love you when everything has been put right and you are standing beside me in Faera where you belong.’
    The man of my dreams was certainly a gentleman.
    ‘Can you make it happen, Leif?’
    ‘I know I can,’ he said, his face determined

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