Tony Kelbrat

A Free Spirit's Search for Enlightenment 1: (All You Are Is Spirit and Energy, Release It)

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You are spirit and energy. Regardless of if you're poor, middle class, wealthy, Jew or Christian, you wake up everyday a free spirit with unused natural energy inside of you. The few really wise people in life know this and set on a course to release that natural energy as they live.

This keeps you in harmony with who your Creator-God made you to be. Anything else is self-betrayal. You are simply energy and spirit to be used to have fun, live a rich life and do whatever you feel is right, just and useful to help your fellow man, the animals and the planet.

You are your memories and experiences. They make up your cloud of consciousness. Go through life trying to make that cloud of consciousness feel good through what you do and think. People with lots of money and status try to come off like they got something special. They got the same cloud of consciousness that is life as you do.
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