Ileana Abrev

Charm Spells

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Ileana Abrev knows what she's talking about. She lives with a teenager. She's a witch. And she recognizes that teens struggle with many of the same issues she did in her day--romance, mid-term exams, homework overload, friendship ups and downs, and family issues. Here in Charm Spells, Abrev offers over 90 spells to make wishes come true in all areas of a teen's life the white magic way. “Magic occurs once you set your mind to accomplish a goal in your life,” she writes. “Harm none for it will all come back to you in threes.”
Charm Spells is a fun, interactive, thorough introduction to the world of witchcraft and spell casting for teens. Illustrated with offbeat, funky drawings, the book shows teens how to get the dates they want, the allowances they dream of, and the friends they need, and introduces them to: The power of positive, and the danger of negative magic. Witches and the practice of witchcraft. The Gods and Goddesses. The tools and rituals they need to get started.

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