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Larry Cochran MBA

The Theory of Education

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There are times when education becomes part of the conversation, but there is little meat in the substance of those conversations. This is an attempt to open that dialog and bring some unknown positions about why education is actually failing in the United States.
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  • Bibi Kosherovaciteerde uit5 jaar geleden
    Citizenship is a geographical thing rather than simply a cultural thing. In the United States, there has been a great advantage to allowing the melting together of many cultures.
  • Bibi Kosherovaciteerde uit5 jaar geleden
    Education is about learning how to avoid this manipulation and make a decision about who you trust to become a leader over you
  • Bibi Kosherovaciteerde uit5 jaar geleden
    As I have stated before, the informed voters are not usually the target of politicians, it is the uninformed voter because it leaves the politician without the need to validate their claims or follow through on their promises.

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