Stanislav Grof

The Way of the Psychonaut Volume One: Encyclopedia for Inner Journeys

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  • Max Benciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    biofeedback, developed by Elmer and Alyce Green
  • Max Benciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    John Lilly, world famous researcher of dolphin intelligence and experimenter with psychedelic sub stances
  • Max Benciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    s. A different plan involved using LSD in aerosols and spraying the enemy’s soldiers in the field
  • Max Benciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    lbert Hofmann’s vision of a New Eleusis, a society that would succeed in integrating the responsible use of psychedelic medicines into mainstream life for the benefit of all humanity, seemed like a sad pipe dream
  • Max Benciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    ban underworld and instructed hired prostitutes to secretly slip it into the drinks of their clients. They then observed through one-way screens how the substance changed the clients’ behavior
  • Max Benciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    follow their own judgment and conscience
  • Max Benciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    New research projects involving various cannabinoids, ibogaine, ketamine, and other psychedelic substances have been initiated worldwide.
  • Max Benciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    Therapy with Substance: Psycholytic Psychotherapy in the Twenty-First Century
  • Max Benciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    The Toad and the Jaguar (Metzner 2014
  • Max Benciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    ntheogenic tryptamine derivatives
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