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Matthew Skelton,Manuel Pais

Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow

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  • Olzhas Murtazinciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    No serious sports team would consider not employing coaches and trainers, and no serious organization should be without coaches and trainers either
  • Olzhas Murtazinciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Unhealthy cultures, poor engineering practices, and negative financial influences all act as poisons or growth inhibitors in this garden. Software cannot be expected to grow and thrive—even with excellent patterns for pruning and planting provided by Team Topologies—if the environmental conditions are hostile
  • Olzhas Murtazinciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Team Topologies alone will not produce an effective software-delivery and operations organization. Beyond the structures and dynamics suggested in this book, important additional ingredients of success include:
    A healthy organizational culture: an environment that supports the professional development of individuals and teams—one in which people feel empowered and safe to speak out about problems, and the organization expects to learn continuously.
    Good engineering practices: test-first design and development of all aspects of the systems, a focus on continuous delivery and operability practices, pairing and mobbing for code review, avoiding the search for a single “root cause” for incidents, designing for testability, and so on.
    Healthy funding and financial practices: avoiding the pernicious effects of a CapEx/OpEx split between different parts of the IT organization (or at least mitigating the worst aspects of this by estimating CapEx/OpEx through sampling the work), avoiding project-driven deadlines and large-batch budgeting wherever possible, and allocating training budgets to teams or groups rather than individuals.
    Clarity of business vision: the executive or leadership provides a clear, non-conflicting vision and direction for the rest of the organization, with horizons at human-relevant timescales (such as three months, six months, twelve months) and clear reasoning behind the priorities, so people in the organization can understand how and why these were chosen.
  • Olzhas Murtazinciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Teams have a greater chance of innovating and supporting a system if they can understand the constituent parts and feel a sense of ownership over the code, rather than being treated like workers on an assembly line
  • Olzhas Murtazinciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    The reason so many organizations experience so many problems with software delivery is because most organizations have an unhelpful model of what software development is really about. An obsession with “feature delivery” ignores the human-related and team-related dynamics inherent in modern software, leading to a lack of engagement from staff, especially when the cognitive load is exceeded.
  • Olzhas Murtazinciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Instead of the IT-operations service desk being staffed with the most junior people, it should be staffed with some of the most experienced engineers in the organization, either exclusively or in tandem with some of the more junior members
  • Olzhas Murtazinciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    One of the most important changes to improve the continuity of care is to avoid “maintenance” or “business as usual” (BAU) teams whose remit is simply to maintain existing software. Sriram Narayan, author of Agile IT Organization Design, says “separate maintenance teams and matrix organizations . . . work against responsiveness
  • Olzhas Murtazinciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Increasingly, software is less of a “product for” and more of an “ongoing conversation with” users
  • Olzhas Murtazinciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Businesses normally treat operations as an output of design. . . . In order to empathize, though, one must be able to hear. In order to hear, one needs input from operations. Operations thus becomes an input to design
  • Olzhas Murtazinciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Historically, many organizations have treated “develop” and “operate” as two distinct phases of software delivery, with very little interaction and certainly almost no feedback from operate to develop. Modern software delivery must take a completely different approach: the operation of the software should act as and provide valuable signals to the development activities. By treating operations as rich, sensory input to development, a cybernetic feedback system is set up that enables the organization to self steer
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