Liz Dean

The Tarot Companion

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The Tarot Companion: A Portable Guide to Reading the Cards for Yourself and Others is the quick-reference handbook you need to understand the art of reading tarot.
Tarot-reading is one of the oldest esoteric practices. Lore has it that the art of reading tarot cards has existed for over 600 years. Yet tarot is more popular than ever in our modern society because the cards speak to our most instinctual and primal selves through their stories, meanings, and symbols.
In The Tarot Companion, best-selling tarot author Liz Dean reveals the messages and mystery of the cards from the Major to Minor Arcana, as well as how to cleanse and shuffle your deck. This beautiful and accessible little volume lets you quickly and accurately use the cards to reveal an inner truth, gain insight into a pressing question, or divine what may unfold in your life.
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206 afgedrukte pagina’s
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