Isidore Kozminsky,Stuart Weinberg

Crystals, Jewels, Stones

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This book provides an exhaustive and comprehensive study of the lore and science of precious and semi-precious stones and crystals. Crystals have commanded the attention of thinkers, artists, mystics, magicians, astrologers, alchemists and all who appreciate beauty. Intimately and mysteriously formed in the fires of Earth's inner essence, what is the meaning of these exquisitely shaped and coloured gifts of the sacred bounty of Nature. Occultist, Isidore Kozminsky, explores the use of precious and semi-precious stones in fields as far flung as healing and design, practical esoteric energy channeling and decoration, as well as in powerful magical talismans by which specific energies may be invoked and as artistic objects of great beauty. Inspiring mythic tales are balanced with practical instructions and knowledge about the astrological sympathies of crystals and the energy work and healing properties associated with all the major categories of precious stones. From Plato to Leonardo da Vinci, Kozminsky traces crystal lore through the researches of astrologers, magi, alchemists and Hermetic philosophers – all of whom explored the use of stones in the Universal Order and Harmony of the natural world. This book is a reprint of his classic study, The Magic and Science of Jewels and Stones originally published in 1922.
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