It does not require peaceful circumstances to survive
Joosfh Cvciteerde uit2 maanden geleden
does not require peaceful circumstances to surviv
Joosfh Cvciteerde uit2 maanden geleden
No; I’m no victim. I’m simply telling my story.
Riyam Alshimmaryciteerde uit7 maanden geleden
Little by little, I’ve set up various birdfeeders in our backyard.
Riyam Alshimmaryciteerde uit7 maanden geleden
It is a peace we bring to our lived reality rather than a peace that we do not yet have and must seek elsewhere.
Riyam Alshimmaryciteerde uit7 maanden geleden
My lifelong journey with anxiety has not been fruitless.
Riyam Alshimmaryciteerde uit7 maanden geleden
Non-anxious living is more than dealing with anxious feelings. It’s an orientation to life.
Riyam Alshimmaryciteerde uit7 maanden geleden
My anxiety is also like trying to time-travel into my past or my future. Anxiety recalls unpleasant or painful experiences for me to replay, rehearse, and ruminate on. A
Riyam Alshimmaryciteerde uit7 maanden geleden
My anxiety doesn’t take that into account.
Riyam Alshimmaryciteerde uit7 maanden geleden
What I’ve been learning is that anxiety is a deep-rooted habit that has formed in me over time.